CEO Conference 2025

20 March 2025, Hellerup

Sensing the Risk, Seizing the Chance


Thursday 20 March 2025




PwC, Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup

Welcome to PwC’s CEO Conference 2025 - where visionary leaders meet to navigate a time of challenges and opportunities in climate change, generative AI, and emerging business models.

The CEO Conference 2025 is the place where top executives, board members, and management teams from large and medium-sized companies gather to explore how best to identify and manage the risks and opportunities shaping our world today. With the theme “Sensing the Risk, Seizing the Chance,” we will focus on three central topics:

  • Climate change: How can Danish companies contribute to sustainability and the green transition? What initiatives can reduce CO2 emissions, optimize resource use, and strengthen the company’s position in a market where customers and investors increasingly value sustainability?
  • Generative AI: What value can artificial intelligence bring to companies, and how far along are Danish companies on this journey? How are they using generative AI to drive innovation and efficiency?
  • Business models: How are Danish companies transforming their business models in a constantly changing world where sustainability and technology are key factors for viability?

In addition to exciting presentations and debates, there will be ample opportunity to network with other participants. Meet and exchange experiences with like-minded leaders and build valuable connections that can strengthen your company’s future.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain inspiration and practical advice that can help secure your company’s future success.

We look forward to welcoming you to the CEO Conference 2025!

Who is the target audience?

The conference is specifically targeted at CEOs, board members, and executives in larger companies in Denmark. In case of overbooking, we reserve the right to allocate seats according to the target group.

CEO Conference 2025

Note: Limited number of seats

3 reasons to participate:

  • You will gain insights into sustainability and green transition from leading experts and companies.
  • You will get inspiration on the potential of generative AI and how it can drive innovation and efficiency in your company.
  • You can network with top executives and decision-makers to exchange experiences and build valuable connections.

Featuring among others:

Gain insights from one of Denmark’s leading executives on how Carlsberg navigates in a complex and global context.

Hear perspectives from Ulrik Nødgaard, Governor at Danmarks Nationalbank (the central bank of Denmark) on the current macroeconomic risks and opportunities, as well as the outlook for growth, inflation, and real interest rates that will shape the future of business.

Charlotte will guide us through the program of the conference and ensure sharp and inspiring debates.

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14:30 Arrival and networking
15:00 Welcome by PwC
  Speeches and debates
18:00 Networking and light refreshments

CEO Conference 2025

At PwC's events you are always guaranteed:

Latest insights from leading experts

Opportunity to network with peers

A festive event with great refreshments

Practical information

It is free to register for all PwC’s events, both physical events and our webinars. See the overview of PwC’s upcoming events at

You are very welcome to share the link to this event with your contacts and colleagues. Registration is done via the 'Register here' link found on this webpage. Please note that you can only register one person at a time and per email.

You can always look forward to refreshments at PwC’s events. Food and drinks will vary depending on the type, duration, and size of the event.

We look forward to welcoming you at PwC in Hellerup. On this page, you will find a range of parking options near us.

The doors are open for registration and catering 30 minutes before the start.

How to find your way

We look forward to welcoming you at PwC in Hellerup. On this page, you will find a range of parking options near us.

Here you can park

We look forward to seeing you at

CEO Conference 2025

Contact us

Paula Løve Weibel

Senior Event Marketing Manager, PwC Denmark

3945 3299


Torben Søgaard

Event Manager, Hellerup, PwC Denmark

3945 3002


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